I’m trying to wean myself off of Facebook, and have never been drawn into Trump’s platform (Twitter). I’ve tried out MeWe and some of the other also-rans, and I really wish that decentralized networks like Diaspora seemed more viable, but … they don’t.
An eye-opening look into the way social media is designed to create addiction and manipulate our behavior. It will make you immediately want to toss your smartphone into the garbage can, and then toss the garbage can through the window of a Facebook executive.
Anyway, this is about the movie, and I have yet to watch it, which is no surprise as I don’t tend to watch a lot of movies. But, in a recent trip into the Facebook dumpster fire, I found two friends recommending this movie. One of them cheered when vigilante thugs ran a bunch of peaceful protesters out of a Colorado town, calling them "antifa" despite pretty much zero indication that any of them were doing the modern antifa thing — which is still anti-fascist by the way. The other is quite supportive of the BLM protests, excepting those acting violently or cheering the violence, in fact noting that much of the violence is likely not from BLM activists at all.
Not surprisingly, something recommended by both of these people seems like it could be a good bet, so … putting it in the queue for eventual watching.