Happy Birthday, Covid-19

I’d just returned from two weeks in Indonesia, with long-since-canceled plans to return in August 2020. A few months later, I learned that the Life Care Center of Kirkland … about a 15 minute drive from my house … was the US epicenter. Weeks after that, while I was traveling to Austin for business, my company became one of the first to move to all-remote work, which will continue for at least the next seven months.


Hometown Trump gunner

This is not the kind of picture that I want to see attached to national news about my adopted home town, but … here we are. Thirty-something, Jonathan Moreno, needed to make my day.

Apparently, Moreno was "provoked" in that one of the counter-protesters (gone from the scene before these photos were taken) had splashed water on the guy, and … clearly that’s justification for extrajudicial killing, and clearly this is just another Responsible Gun Owner demonstrating responsible use.

For what it’s worth, I’m trained to use a gun, though I would never keep one in my home, or carry one while out and about our bedroom community of not quite 13,000 people, where wine tasting dominates a significant number of businesses.


10 Years Ago Today: Glenn Greene was here

Ten years ago, my friend Glenn was staying at my place around the time that he was dropping his daughter off at college. After he left, I noticed that he’d left his final parking sticker on my fridge.

The parking sticker was actually a bit of an inside joke, albeit with a significant number of insiders. At least back in the 80’s when I was there, WRCT radio would play Dylan’s Bob Dylan – Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 and many of us would celebrate appropriately. It was basically like 4:20 except (a) none of us had heard of 420 at that point and (b) 10:47 works better for twice-a-day celebrations.

Smoky in Seattle

This was around 6pm … well before sundown. None of the trees are far at all. Even that sort of third layer back is just a few hundred yards away at most.
This one is from Sunday, September 13, around 10:20am, Things are smokier than ever, but you can still make out the sun.

These photos give some idea of what the sky is like, but of course can’t really capture the full effect. At home, for example, standing at the front door, smoke affects my view of the shrubbery that’s between me and the street, but not in a way that I’ve been able to see in any photos that I’ve taken.